Give Yourself Permission to Rest


It's okay to slow down. Especially for those of us in the middle of winter right now, take advantage of the shorter days and the colder temperatures and use this season as an opportunity to rest as much as you need to. I know that we all have responsibilities and obligations and I'm not talking about neglecting those things that we have to get done in a day. We have to work hard and pay bills and make dinner and put away the laundry. But find moments in your day for stillness. I'm not talking about binge watching TV shows for hours on your off-day or scrolling through social media as a distraction when you're at work. I'm also not talking about closing yourself off to the people around you. But in a time when it's so easy to be overstimulated, turn off the radio or music streaming app, put down the phone and don't be afraid to say no to the things that are sucking up your time and energy, without adding anything back to your life. Get up at sunrise and watch the light and beautiful colors emerge from the horizon. Take 10 minutes away from the computer to stretch. Eat lunch without your phone, paying attention to the tastes and textures of your food. If your work allows, get up from the desk in the middle of the day and go for a walk outside and notice how the trees and the sky look today, compared to how they looked 3 months ago. Sit on a park bench and watch the squirrels run around chasing each other. Let your mind rest. Let your eyes rest. Close your eyes and practice deep breathing for 3 minutes. Listen to the ambient sounds around you. If you have little ones to care for, take a nap with them in the middle of the day. Get down on the floor and play with your cat or go outside and throw a frisbee with your dog. Go to bed a half hour earlier than usual. In a world where we're told to work harder and strive for more, and at a time when we're told to make long lists of self improvement for the new year, I want to take this moment to encourage you to give yourself permission to rest. It's a message that I need to hear every day and I want to share that message with you.

Check out the video for this blog post here.

- Christin

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